Within my work I have developed a personal interconnecting system of symbolic and metaphorical structures. I use esoteric symbolism, new physical theory, and comparative psychology to create this interconnecting system. By combining these disciplines I hope to create a common context in which all are welcome to participate. This seems to be an activity of alchemy, a subject of study for both philosophers and physicists.
I study alchemy as a source for art making. Its symbolism and metaphor provide for me a rich source of inner discovery and reflection. I mainly concentrate on the western alchemical tradition which incorporates hermetic, Christian, and gnostic symbols. I am also preoccupied with art history and the lineage of works that express these thoughts. In my works, I am attempting to carry on these traditions but also develop an environment that allows for new connections to be made. I try to to incorporate contemporary academic and practical research on like minded subject matter within physics and psychology.
I gather my collection of objects from secondhand stores, dumpsites and salvage yards. When gathering these things I respond to shape texture or use. I couple these objects with painted images to build on a concept or theme. More unique arrangements develop through an improvisational and intuitive process that creates a common connection. Larger themes evolve from these connections which build a network of support. This synergy produces a complex symbology that draws on a mind pool of thought. The artists/alchemist's poetic world is a microcosm of god's lyrical universe.